Category Archives: Social Care

Parental Substance Misuse and Addiction – @SWSCmedia Debate Summary

Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views on “Parental Substance Misuse and Addiction.” This was part of the @SWSCmedia debate series. Below is the summary of the discussion and…

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Ability vs. Disability & Diverseability: Defining Identities – @SWSCmedia Debate Summary

Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views on “Ability vs Disability & Diverseability: Defining Identities” as part of @SWSCmedia debate series. Below is the summary of the discussion and…

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Parental Substance Misuse and Addiction – @SWSCmedia Debate Series

Parental substance misuse has multiple and complex effects on children, depending on a number of variables ranging from the characteristics, personality, coping strategies and support systems of each individual, to…

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Defining Identities: Ability & Disability – A Case Study debate @SWSCmedia

Last February in an article entitled: “Obese woman demanding 50 hours care a week ‘went to pop concert‘” the article’s subheading read: A morbidly obese woman who says she needs…

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Public versus Private Health and Social Care… Challenges, Opportunities, and Realities… – @SWSCmedia Debate Summary

Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views on “Public versus Private Health and Social Care” part of @SWSCmedia debate series. Below is the summary of the discussion and we…

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Social work and end-of-life care: issues for debate @SWSCmedia – Opinion piece by Malcolm Payne

Join us for a Special Evening  @SWSCmedia on Palliative and End-of-Life care with Malcolm Payne (@MalcolmPayne) on Tuesday (31-July-2012) at 8:00 PM BST (UK) / 3:00 PM EDT @SWSCmedia. Planning for living needs…

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Public versus Private Health and Social Care… Challenges, Opportunities, and Realities… – @SWSCmedia Debate

The UK National Health Service (NHS) was established in 1948 as a universal service free at the point of delivery and available on the basis of need. This system replaced…

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Networks Helping Families Escape Social Services: What are the real issues? – @SWSCmedia debate

Channel 4 report on networks that help families escape social services projects a picture of child protection services with persistent failures and consistent misjudgements. The programme includes interviews with various…

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Tweets from Gender Debate with Prof. Brigid Featherstone (Brigid39) & Prof. Jonathan Scourfield (@ProfJScourfield) on 17-July-2012

Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views in another rich and lively debate @SWSCmedia. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. Our special Thank You…

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Cut to pieces – why do we persevere with local authorities when they can provide such an unsatisfactory milieu for social work? – Opinion piece by: Hilton Dawson @BASW_UK

This is an opinion piece by Hilton Dawson (@HiltonDawson) the CEO of British Association of Social Workers  @BASW_UK. Join @SWSCmedia debate with Hilton Dawson Tuesday (26-June-2012) at 8:00 PM UK. / 3:00 PM…

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