
ASYE and how it can improve the practitioners’ experience? – Opinion piece by Fenix Cornejo

The beginning of a Social Worker’s career can be challenging and initial experiences can be pivotal. As we all may know, the social work profession is changing with the new…

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Assessed and Supported Year of Employment Advice for Newly Qualified Social Workers – England – Source BASW 2013-05-28

The Assessed and Supported Year of Employment (ASYE) was a recommendation of the Social Work Reform Board (SWRB). The ASYE followed on from a previous scheme called NQSW. The ASYE…

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Postmodernity and Social Work Ethics: Moving On? – by: Prof. Richard Hugman

Join & share your views in a special evening @SWSCmedia with Prof. Richard Hugman, discussing Postmodernity and Social Work Ethics… Tuesday (14 Mary 2013) at 9:00 PM BST / 4:00 PM EDT….

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Why social work should fall in love with randomized controlled trials – By Dr. Donald Forrester

Research studies often feel a bit like relationships. Some are brief, some more enduring. Often they start out full of excitement, and then as that calms down there is a…

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Military Social Work: What are the Challenges for Military and Veteran Families? Wednesday, Apr 10 @ 8pm (EDT)

What are some of the challenges of military families and veterans? What are the services and support military families need? and what can be done to improve those services? How…

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#SWSCMedia #MilSW Chat: Engaging Military Families Through Social Work – Wednesday, Apr 10 @ 8pm (EDT)

Join the tweet chat on 4/10, at 5:00 PM PDT / 8:00 PM EDT to discuss the challenges military families face and how social workers can help. We are delighted…

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Social Work at a Crossroads Resistance or Compliance? – By Dr. Simon Duffy

I am not a social worker. But I am a big fan. I have spent over 20 years working alongside social workers, particularly in order to improve the lives of…

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Just One Question: How can social networking help my social work practice? By Claudia Megele

Social Work is a relationship based profession and social networks are essential in establishing and maintaining relationships. Therefore, there is great and natural synergy between the two. In fact, aside…

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The impact of austerity on Social and Economic inequalities from an Irish perspective by IASW Part of @SWSCmedia #WSWDay Series

During the early years of the twenty first century the Irish economy was booming.  After decades of poverty and emigration Ireland had completed a remarkable turn around. Between 1995-2000 the…

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Why Social Work? What is the role of Social Work in 2013? by Bridget Robb Part of @SWSCmedia #WSWDay Series

Today, World Social Work Day celebrations have been held by BASW, in conjunction with others, across the UK, including events in Westminster in conjunction with the Joint University Council Social…

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