Social Work / Social Care Debates: Learning through Sharing…

Social Work and Social Care Live Twitter Debates:

Aimed at bringing Social Work and Social Care practitioners, organisations, academics, researchers, policy makers, users of service and other allied professionals and/or stakeholders and/or interested parties together, to discuss issues, innovations, opportunities and challenges as well as relevant developments in relation to Social Work and/or Social Care

Social Work and Social Care Debates:

Topic:  Social Workers’ Role and Professional Identity
Date:   Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Time:   20:00 to 21:00 GMT      15:00 to 16:00 EST

Topic:  Developing Leadership in Social Work and Social Care
Date:   Tuesday, 01 November 2011
Time:   20:00 to 21:00 GMT      15:00 to 16:00 EST

Social Work and Social Care Debates:

A shared online space for Social Work and Social Care practitioners, academics, organisations and policy makers to talk about practice, research, theory and policy as well as innovative ideas, developments, issues, challenges, and opportunities in relation to Social Work and Social Care. This is a collective space to engage in open and dynamic discussions and to generate new knowledge and shared understanding.
These debates offer an Open Learning Tool and an opportunity to practice Learning through Sharing…

A collaborative project to enhance practice, research and policy:

We look forward to everyone’s participation and welcome guest posts for our blog and guest tweeters for our twitter account, as we very much view this as a collaborative project whereby practitioners, researchers, academics and organisations will contribute and embrace the ethos of the network which includes:

  • Bridging the practice and theory divide within the profession;
  • Improving the image of social work;
  • Cultivating and mentoring the sector leaders of tomorrow;
  • Creating a culture of shared learning;
  • Sustaining a culture of excellence in practice; and
  • Creating and sustaining a dynamic learning resource for students, practitioners, academics, and everyone concerned.

Ethics and Code of Conduct:

Please be mindful of professional codes of conduct as well as social work and social care values and ethics base.

How does it work?

The debate will use the hashtag #swscmedia for all its debates and may use specific hashtags relating to particular areas of interest.
A summary of debates will be posted in a blog form. The summary will be based on tweets which have used the correct hashtag: #swscmedia during the debate. This will serve as an open resource and reference for everyone and can be consulted by those who were unable to participate in live debate.
If you want your messages/tweets to be included in the debate or be visible by everyone who follows the debate please make sure you include #swscmedia in your tweeter message.
To join the debate and see what everyone else is saying just search #swscmedia using the search box at the top of your twitter screen or contribute by tweeting your thoughts and ideas…
Visit us online:  or  @SWSCmedia

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