Category Archives: Information Sharing


Luddite or Love It: The Ethical Case for Technology Use in Social Work by Karen Zgoda – @SWSCmedia Debate

It’s 2013. Our modern Internet is now 24 years old, email is about 20 years old, folks have been blogging their personal lives and what they ate for breakfast for nearly…

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Ethical implications of Social Media engagement for Health, Social Work, and Social Care – @SWSCMedia Debate Summary

Thank you for joining the debate and sharing your views on “Ethical implications of Social Media engagement for Health, Social Work, and Social Care professions“ @SWSCmedia. Below is the summary of…

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A Bright Future Choked by Neglect…? Inter-agency Working and Serious Case Review: A Case Study @SWSCmedia

Will you close the case or will you refer this for a serious case review? Join us and share your views today (Sunday, 19 August 2012) at 6:00 PM BST (UK)…

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Fatima’s story… Will you tell? – #SWSCmedia #CaseStudy Series – 2012-05-27

It has been nearly 5 months since, Fatima, a close personal friend whom you have known for several years and who has helped you through a number of difficulties, has…

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Childhood and the Media: Facebook & Google panel discussion – Part of @SWSCmedia #CyberStudies & #Liminality Series + #Childhood Studies

From the fourth in a series of Safegaurding conferences hosted by Bath Spa University, in association with David Niven Associates. (Courtesy of David Niven Associates). Simon Milner explained the different…

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Don’t shatter my son’s dreams… – #SWSCmedia Case Study Series on Information Sharing

A young boy aged 14 is diagnosed with HIV, however, because of his age his parents do not want to disclose this information to him. The young person used to…

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