Debate Summary for 06- Dec. – 2011 on Early Intervention in Social Work and Social Care
Thank you to the wonderful participants in our lively and rich debate… it was another exciting evening with students, practitioners, academics, and organisation from United States University at Buffalo, State University of New York to India coming together to discuss “Early Intervention: Concept, Context, Realities and Prospects” in social work and social care.
The discussion was dynamic as always and many important points were raised and explored. We also had some important pre-debate announcements. In particular we would like to announce the following:
1. Expert Panels
In preparation for our Research, Policy, Case Study and other specialised debates as well as other initiatives we are working to finalise the membership of our Panels of Expert and so far have the following distinguished experts and professionals who have joined our panel (in alphabetic order):
- Dr. Karen Adshead (Programme Leader Graduate Programme and International Social Work at UEL);
- Dr. Claudia Bernard (Head of Department and Social Work Programme Leader Goldsmiths University of London);
- Nick Berbiers (Social Care Interim Manager)
- Dr. Harry Ferguson (Professor of Social Work Nottingham University)
- George Julian (Director at RIPFA – Research in Practice for Adults).
- Dr. David Lawlor (Head of Social Work programme and Principal Consultant at Tavistock);
- Dr. Malcolm Payne (Policy and Development Officer St. Christopher’s Hospice)
- Jackie Rafferty (Director Social Policy and Social Work HEA);
- Dr. Nancy Smyth (Dean School of Social Work, University at Buffalo, State University of New York);
- Dr. Martin Webber (Senior Lecturer and Social Work Programme Leader at King’s College);
- Prof. Sue White (from University of Birmingham);
2. Extending our debate time
We are very happy to see our fast growing number of participants and the expanding range of professions and professionals as well as students and academics involved in out debates and therefore, in order to accommodate the added demand for discussion and to allow sufficient time for a more in-depth exchange of ideas and exploration of issues, and based on various requests, we are extending our debates as need be by between 15 to 30 minutes depending on the topic.
3. TweeteRama TweeteRamba TwitterParty
We invite everyone to join our TweeteRama TweeteRamba TwitterParty on 20 December 2011 at 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST). It is going to be fun and exciting…
We are very happy to see our fast growing number of participants and the expanding range of professions and professionals involved in the debate (ranging from social work and social care to nursing, housing, health services, and including various organisations).
Our next debate will be on “Social Work and Social Care Employment and Prospects in Times of Austerity”.
Below is the Summary of our yesterday’s debate on Early Intervention in Social Work and Social Care (6 December 2011)
Announcements before debate:
We would like to welcome Dr. Nancy Smyth @njsmyth as a member of @SWSCmedia Expert Panel #SWSCmedia
We welcome Students & Faculty of #SocialWork from University at Buffalo who are joining us for our debate today 20:00GMT/15:00EST #SWSCmedia
Given No. of participants & to ensure sufficient time for our Research/Policy/Case Study Debates We R extending debates by 15 to 30 minutes.
@SWSCmedia good news the debates always feel that they could continue a bit longer, now they are!
@lillieputian TY… Many of our participants have asked us to extend the debates @SWSCmedia & We’re pleased to do so…
We invite everyone to join our #TwitteRama #TwitteRamba #TwitterParty @SWSCmedia on 20 Dec. Hope to See You All there… #SWSCmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
TY, I’m honored to be joining! RT @swscmedia: We would like to welcome Dr. Nancy Smyth as a member of @SWSCmedia Expert Panel #SWSCmedia
We would like to thank all our Wonderful Tweeteraties & Twitter Ambassadors… Thank You for Your Support & See You at 20:00 GMT. #SWSCmedia
We invite Everyone to join our Special #TwitteRama #TwitteRamba #TwitterParty @SWSCmedia on 20 Dec. Hope to See You All there… #SWSCmedia
Given No. of participants& to ensure sufficient time for our Research/Policy/Case Study Debates We R extending debates by 15 to 30 minutes.
Start of Debate
Good Evening Everyone… & A Warm Welcome to our Expert Panel members, Tweeteraties & Twitter Ambassadors & our Wonderful Tweeps… #SWSCmedia
Prof Eileen Munro recommended that Govt place a statutory duty on LAs & their partners to ensure provision for #EarlyIntervention #SWSCmedia
Prevention & early intervention form the cornerstone of more personalised services for adults, mental health & older people. #SWSCmedia
In spite of the importance, early intervention is 1 of the most used, overused, misused & misunderstood notions in #SocialWork & #SocialCare
Therefore, our 1st question is: What is #EarlyIntervention? #SWSCmedia
Is early intervention just a fallacy? How can early intervention be defined in conceptual and functional terms? #SWSCmedia
Please Do not forget to use the hashtag #SWSCMEDIA for your tweets… Thank You… #SWSCmedia
sunbubbles28Dara K. Fulton
@SWSCmedia I think its important to first identify the problem of the client to determine the type of intervention that’s needed #SWSCmedia
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
@SWSCmedia Putting support in place before the crisis occurs #swscmedia
@sunbubbles28 @swscmedia but in order to *have* a client means we may have missed early window? #SWSCmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
@SWSCmedia Providin ppl wiv access 2 approp care/facilites/services so can maintain dignity n function optimally in own homes? #swscmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Strengths based community model rather than individual pathology model #swscmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
The quiet before the storm – never have been good at silences. Evening all My A: Building community capacity & collaborations #swscmedia
#swscmedia in MH it has worked well n prevented lifetimes in the system for some with psychosis
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Yes, strengths based..and identify correct point of intervention #swscmedia
@SWSCmedia Yes I would certainly agree with that and it is also something that can be a bit of a political football. @swscmedia#
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Earlier #bonklesoul said we have moved on from community development model I haven’t – stuck in the 70s. What have we moved to? #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Yes, Indian SWers much better at this RT @Bincy_Wilson: SWers in India are more into community care and advocacy #swscmedia
@njsmyth Excellent makes it more interesting & exciting…
DailyPlanUKCraig McCormick
#SWSCmedia Please take a few minutes to read my next tweet which will come via twitlonger. This is my take on #EarlyIntervention
#swscmedia an issue is that EI too often is tackling the symptoms not the causes if society remains inequitable it will always b required
DailyPlanUKCraig McCormick
#SWSCmedia As a #depression sufferer, I feel that #EarlyIntervention is very late in coming. I first started (cont)
sunbubbles28Dara K. Fulton
@SWSCmedia Finding necessary resources for client to help with their problem. Having a concise background of client helps too #SWSCmedia
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
@444blackcat I really agree with this point & would take it a step further namely preventing being sucked into the system #swscmedia
DailyPlanUKCraig McCormick
#SWSCmedia Early Intervention would have made a huge difference to my life, I feel. I think it is a must, going forward.
sunbubbles28Dara K. Fulton
I have to agree with @BASW_UK sadly politics can interfere with intervention. advocacy comes into play @SWSCmedia #swscmedia
NickBerbiersNick Berbiers
Munro actually sounds nearer to what we were doing 70′s / 80′s than what we have done since #SWSCmedia
@444blackcat Excellent point… How will you define early intervention then?
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
I want to thank @dailyplanuk for their story – my husband too has had depression for the last 5 years so have some notion #swscmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
@DailyPlanUK Absolutely! Late intervention is both ineffective and expensive. #swscmedia
HennyHeawoodHenny Heawood
@NickBerbiers Constant tension between community based universal v focussed EI. It was ever so.#SWSCMEDIA
sunbubbles28Dara K. Fulton
I agree I notice when it comes to mental health EI is slow&coming and many ppl dont get the care needed rite away @DailyPlanUK #SWSCmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Agree @NickBerbiers but community workers mostly disappeared – community social work gone – so what is the 2011 version? #swscmedia
Early intervention implies the existence of threshold distinguishing early from a late inervention. What is the metric/criteria? #SWSCmedia
sunbubbles28Dara K. Fulton
in my opinion,more needs to be done financially by our gov’t to support SW and our efforts in tackling EI&other issues @SWSCmedia #swscmedia
Everyone Please use the hashtag #SWSCMEDIA thank you…
@swscot #swscmedia yes we joke at each new policy how long before we go back to the one from 10yrs ago now maybe from 5yrs ago constant
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
@444blackcat @swscot If we go back 20 years we might go forward – Thatcher happened – cycles #swscmedia
EmpowerDerbyEmpower LD Derby
@ProfSocialWork @jaxrafferty so true. Speaking as someone with MH probs, many people are scared of us! #swscmedia
NickBerbiersNick Berbiers
@EmpowerDerby @ProfSocialWork @jaxrafferty Not here we are not! Glad you joined us, and hope you will continue to. #swscmedia
@DorleeM No problem you’re always welcome… question is what is early intervention? what is criteria separating early & later? #SWSCmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
@SWSCmedia Providin ppl wiv access 2 approp care/facilites/services so can maintain dignity n function optimally in own homes? #swscmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
@DailyPlanUK Absolutely! Late intervention is both ineffective and expensive #swscmedia.
Bincy_WilsonBincy Wilson
EI in case of combating trafficking of women & girls needs strong political will with the right motive #SWSCMedia
@DailyPlanUK @Ermintrude2 But have we now become so constrained because of the bureaucratic unwieldy structures we have created? #swscmedia
@BASW_UK yes, in a word @dailyplanuk#swscmedia
JimmySWJimmy Young
Mostly see EI in wifes Headstart program. But it lacks many things. $, follow through, etc. Otherwise it’s a great start/benefit #swscmedia
#swscmedia Early intervention needs to start prospective parents quite often too late by time child is at school issues already embedded
@444blackcat Great Point… How about Adult Services & MH… Govt seems to be ignoring those services… What is diff btwn early & late?
@444blackcat hence idea of community schools partnered with children centres #SWSCmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Interested to know the take over the pond @njsmyth and others – community work still part of social work I understand? #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
@jaxrafferty I think it’s “coming back” many students interested in it #swscmedia
NickBerbiersNick Berbiers
@SWSCmedia I believe that the metric can only be determined via outcome measures – the other way around as it were #SWSCmedia
AmandaClement1Mandy Clement
@SWSCmedia #swscmedia my take is EI is targeting whole population & opting groups out & LI is more specific once probs/issues are evident
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Maybe in High School? RT @DorleeM: would EI = offering parenting classes before they are offiicially required/needed? #swscmedia
DorleeMDorlee M
@BASW_UK aside from that program, engaging in mindfulness meditation can increase empathy #SWSCmedia
@SWSCmedia I think the Spirit Level has so much to offer here re:benefits of a more equitable society. #swscmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
@AmandaClement1 @SWSCmedia Possibly a pride issue rather than moral or denial? #swscmedia
@Ermintrude2 @swscmedia @444blackcat with MH issues must also be with self presentation or enforced presentation of SU?
JimmySWJimmy Young
@444blackcat EI in school needs more of a community care component w/ SW providing in home services. In my opinion. #swscmedia
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
@Ermintrude2 @SWSCmedia @444blackcat Yes & as @basw_uk mentioned it is political who and when funding is given #swscmedia what happens to EI
AmandaClement1Mandy Clement
@Ermintrude2 @SWSCmedia @444blackcat I agree used to work as crisis sup worker in MH and lack of funds big issue=more crisis #swscmedia
Early intervention may be relative to context, what R some of the more significant and relevant contexts for early intervention? #SWSCmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
SWers doing community work here are often working outside traditional human svcs & working in orgs focusing on this work #swscmedia
DorleeMDorlee M
#SWSCmedia when worked in women’s health clinic, pregnant teens very receptive to receiving in home free nursing visits – this suggests poss
@tashawhitstable #swscmedia agree it would be hard but what we have now is intervening when family in crisis often with negative outcomes
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Social work students in England seeking statutory work placements, worried they won’t get jobs if they do community focused ones #swscmedia
No doubt funding is essential, but research shows increase funding not always increase SU satisfaction. What R the other metrics? #SWSCmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
agree completely RT @Theresauno: Needs rigorous methodologies to evaluate outcomes n research evidence #swscmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
Need 2 no desired outcomes n if realistically achievable! Needs rigorous methodologies to evaluate outcomes n research evidence #swscmedia
NickBerbiersNick Berbiers
Women’s Aid would I believe righly claim significant efficacy of EI in their work #SWSCmedia
Bincy_WilsonBincy Wilson
SWers in India are more into community care and advocacy #SWSCMedia
DorleeMDorlee M
#SWSCmedia teaching teens some basic parenting skills – what to do when child doesn’t listen, how not to resort to hitting etc, safety rules
@HennyHeawood Adults lower priority I suspect. Less emotive. #swscmedia
AmandaClement1Mandy Clement
@Ermintrude2 means more campaigning by services to try to get a share of the pot to implement EI and some will lose out #swscmedia
What are some of the critical success factors for ensuring Early Intervention across services? #SWSCmedia What R essential elements for EI?
@SWSCmedia Surely has to also be about how resources distributed. Brave and visionary leadership. Unwavering. #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Here 2, but education is not the same as job training RT @jaxrafferty: Employers here criticise educators for not teaching to job #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Yes, Indian SWers much better at this RT @Bincy_Wilson: SWers in India are more into community care and advocacy #swscmedia
@njsmyth Excellent Question…
Behavioural Economic Studies show that ppl assume wealth inequality correlates w/ ability hence wealthy deserve to be wealthy #swscmedia
ppl correlate negative health outcomes w/ poverty. This implies class divide in + outcomes, at least at a perceptual level. #SWSCmedia
So, how can we overcome class issue & class divide in service allocation and outcomes? #swscmedia
sunbubbles28Dara K. Fulton
I agree, I think empathy can be taught but a person must be willing to learn this…keeping an open mind&heart. @BASW_UK @DorleeM #swscmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
RT @njsmyth: How do we disentangle class from EI so it’s not just social control? #swscmediaExcellent but big question
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
VERY important RT @Theresauno: @SWSCmedia Safeguarding human rights and ensuring that services are personalised? #swscmedia
@ProfSocialWork GP not keen giving room for free barriers to funding we r employed by secondary care not primary got v political #swscmedia
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
@444blackcat Yes, sounds it and also complicated. In those cases diff to negotiate #swscmedia how to by pass it if at all possible?
@njsmyth Excellent point… Precisely. How can that be challenged in an effective manner in policy & practice? #swscmedia
@SWSCmedia I think the Spirit Level has so much to offer here re:benefits of a more equitable society. #swscmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
@@SWSCmedia There is actual empirical evidence to support the +ve correlation between the two along wiv offendin/poor GCSEs etc #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Safeguarding human rights is why we (@UBSSW) combine trauma focus with human rights #swscmedia
@DailyPlanUK Yes, That does not negate the finding… Research indication is that poor suffer double jeopardy… #SWSCmedia
JimmySWJimmy Young
RT @AmandaClement1: in rural areas, which are often overlooked, soc media would b cost effective EI 2 lessen effects of isolation #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Yes, support groups..@jaxrafferty in rural areas social media would be a cost effective EI to lessen effects of isolation #swscmedia
ProfJScourfieldJonathan Scourfield
#swscmedia we can’t overcome class issue cos social problems concentrate in poverty. EI is about taking social inequality seriously.
@TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
@ProfJScourfield Well said! Cannot deal with it until we accept it – there is a correlation! #swscmedia
ProfJScourfieldJonathan Scourfield
#swscmedia I would love to join in properly but my own children need some early intervention.
ProfJScourfieldJonathan Scourfield
This EI paper is relevant (for those who can access Brit J Soc Wk):
ProfJScourfieldJonathan Scourfield
#swscmedia some on Left are suspicious of EI cos if it targets working class (esp. parent training). I think they are more wrong than right.
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Social community planning can be +itive Huge new developments in Swindon built mix of private/social housing of all sizes #swscmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Community planning needs all professional + community on board – not just socialwork issue #swscmedia
JimmySWJimmy Young
@BASW_UK I was wondering when someone would bring in the structuralism argument #swscmedia
R we not dealing with a perverse & inverted view of things that increasingly tilt the balance in favour of the wealthy? & if yes #SWSCmedia
In a poor economic climate combined w/ budget cuts how can we ensure early intervention?
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
We need to make society care more abt these problems so that we can prioritise funding #swscmedia but diff as live in individualist culture
TriXonlinePhill Phill Barnett
@swscmedia we can’t #swscmedia
@TriXonlinePhill @mgoat73 but we must… It is our civic & socio-political duty not to mention human & humane responsibility… #SWSCmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia I agree we must advocate for it, but funding priorities don’t always allow for action#swscmedia
TriXonlinePhill Phill Barnett
I understand fully the value but I am a realist, these discussions are just that @swscmedia #swscmedia at least for the next decade
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
@TriXonlinePhill u demonstrate my point exactly about the individualist culture #swscmediaC my last tweet & #changeyourmindset to positve
TriXonlinePhill Phill Barnett
Mate my middle name is positive, lets just not over simplify this@profsocialwork
@njsmyth #swscmedia yes way its going all sw will be crisis intervention not early
JimmySWJimmy Young
So many great comments! Exactly why I teach my SW students to think differently about social media & how to use it in SW. #swscmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
Yes, a problem–rural ctrs can provide this RT @Ermintrude2: @swscot Thats my concern I cant think of users with internet access #swscmedia
Rural areas and even in large cities London, NY, etc. deprivation is outrageous… How can we develop a culture of EI? #SWSCmedia
karenzgodaKaren Zgoda
Nice discussion on “Early Intervention: Concept, Context, “Realities” and Prospects” at #swscmedia
mgoat73Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia with difficulty! #swscmedia
TriXonlinePhillPhill Barnett
@swscmedia we can’t #swscmedia
@TriXonlinePhill @mgoat73 but we must… It is our civic & socio-political duty not to mention human & humane responsibility… #SWSCmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
I think we need to take this on as SW/social justice issue RT @DorleeM: article re: this in NYTimes digital divide …#swscmedia #swscmedia
DorleeMDorlee M
@JimmySW sure, here is the link to the digitial divide article
DailyPlanUKCraig McCormick
#SWSCmedia More community ties and links, better referrals from GPs and police and support groups. Listening and taking seriosly to start.
@SWSCmedia A new government & social system?? #SWSCmedia
@swscot Unfortunately, statistics indicate not a Q of which Govt, as the gap between haves & have-nots has increased constantly #swscmedia
Given the current practice realities and challenges what are the future prospects for early intervention? #SWSCmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
@TriXonlinePhill @swscmedia Cuts and chaos provide opportunities – small maybe but potential for developments #swscmedia
@jaxrafferty @TriXonlinePhill Excellent point… But we must ensure not to lose our social and moral compass… #SWSCmedia
mgoat73Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia I agree we must advocate for it, but funding priorities don’t always allow for action #swscmedia
JimmySWJimmy Young
Agreed!!! RT @njsmyth: This discussion COULD influence our actions, which could influence others, which could influence policy #swscmedia
@JimmySW @njsmyth But the trickle down prosperity theory of Bernanke has not failed terribly. Don’t we need a change of paradigm? #SWSCmedia
JenniTheoJennifer Theodule
Interesting on “Early Intervention: Concept, Context, “Realities” and Prospects” at #swscmedia
@JenniTheo @nickberbier @jaxrafferty Given the current practice realities and challenges what R the future prospects for early intervention?
mgoat73Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia I agree we must advocate for it, but funding priorities don’t always allow for action #swscmedia
@mgoat73 Although funding is essential, perception of service improvement not +correlated w/ funding. What else can/shld be done? #swscmedia
@JimmySW We agree w/ trickle outward. But, Q is what will allow for this change to take roots? which direction should it take? #SWSCmedia
ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
society needs to address society problems with societal solutions are else we will con to scapegoat the most vul & marginalised #swscmedia
@sunbubbles28 Dara K. Fulton
@ProfSocialWork Agree! Somethings shouldn’t take a decision to make. A societal issue, probs are evident= funding is necessary. #SWSCmedia
njsmythNancy J. Smyth
What if we started to crowdsource fund our EI efforts? #swscmedia
TheresaunoTheresa Gallacher
V hard 2 assess E.I benefits as outcome wiivout E/I is unknown!long term benefits r unknown once intervention withdrawn.#research #swscmedia
claudiamegele Claudia Megele
Cannot operate w/o foundational Q of Social Justice & political Economy, To address fundamental challenges. Where do we begin? #SWSCmedia
collective will for change. #swscmedia
claudiamegele Claudia Megele
We are extending it by 10 minutes… #SWSCmedia
claudiamegele Claudia Megele
On behalf of #SWSCmedia Thank You everyone for joining…
claudiamegele Claudia Megele
@njsmyth @ProfSocialWork @SWSCmedia Thank You Nancy… & welcome aboard… Look foward to next Tuesday 15:00EST #SWSCmedia
claudiamegele Claudia Megele
@DorleeM Very welcome & see you next week Tuesday 15:00 EST…
NickBerbiersNick Berbiers
Brilliant to see US friends and colleagues here tonight. One social work world! #SWSCmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
Thanks all – I was going to keep quiet this evening – didn’t manage it #swscmedia Gap between ideal and reality
DorleeMDorlee M
@claudiamegele Thank you for hosting/managing this interesting twitter chat #SWSCmedia
TY Everyone for joining our debate. Look forward to seeing U all next Tuesday at 20:00GMT / 15:00EST for another lively debate… #SWSCmedia
jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
RT @mgoat73: @jaxrafferty Sure. I’ve got a short blog post about it: #swscmediaThanks Martin
@claudiamegele Thanks for this. Was interesting! #SWSCmedia
@claudiamegele Thank you Claudia. Lots of food for thought. #swscmedia
Thank You for joining us in the last debate and for all your support and contributions…
We look forward to welcoming you in our next debate next Tuesday, 13 December 2011 at 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST) when we discuss “Social Work and Social Care Employment and Prospects in Times of Austerity”.
It was wonderful to be part of a debate with colleagues from “across the pond.” I never thought to mention this during the debate, but our School-sponsored podcast series (called “Living Proof”) has some podcasts that are relevant to this topic if anyone is interested. Many of our faculty (at our university, UB, as well as at other schools of social work) work these podcasts into their classes.
Episode 26 – Dr. Jeffrey Jenson: Using Principles of Prevention Science to Promote Healthy Youth Development: The Denver Youth Empowerment Projects:
Episode 30 – Dr. Paul Smokowski: Acculturation and Adjustment in Latino Adolescents: How Cultural Risk Factors and Assets Influence Adolescent Mental Health
Episode 54 – Joyce James, LMSW-AP and Carolyne Rodriguez, MSW: Addressing Disproportionality: Promising Practice Innovations