Thank you for joining our debate last night (17 January) and we hope you enjoyed the discussion. It was good to have such large number of participants from so many countries take part in the debate.
Below is the summary of the debate and we hope to see you Tuesday (24 January) next week at 20:00 GMT / 15:00 EST to share your views on “The Best Interest…” What is the best interest of adults, children, and families? Who defines it? and How?
We wish to take this opportunity to welcome Dr. Brian Littlechild to our panel of experts.
Summary of @SWSCmedia Twitter Debate on 17 January 2012
Integrate or Disintegrate Health & Social Care Services?
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Brian Littlechild to our Expert Panel
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Our debate begins in 10 minutes on “Integrate or Disintegrate: #Health & #Socialcare Services?” Join us & share your views… #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
Top Blogs by Top Tweeps @NickBerbiers @njsmyth @GoddenJoe |
Join @swscmedia debate:Integration of #health & #socialcarestarting in 10 Mins.
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
& Welcome to our #TwitterDebate on prospects of integration between #health & #socialcare services… #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Altho increasing integration of #health & #socialcare seems an obvious & almost inevitable strategy it’s faced w/ many challenges #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Also integration has proven to be notoriously difficult. Therefore, in this debate we wish to explore some of the relevant issues #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
So, our first question for the debate is: What does integration of #health & #socialcare services mean for users of service? #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@SWSCmedia Difficult one! Different affect for child&fam vs. adult I think #swscmedia but the one will impact the other.
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@SWSCmedia it can mean being supported and understood by a team who communicate with each other effectively and who don’t buck pass
@SWSCmedia it can mean having to work together/team work and sharing of ideas #swscmedia
Ermintrude2 Ermintrude
@SWSCmedia more clarity, single point of contact, more cohesive service that is easier to understand #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia A more seamless service? #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
Interesting points about seamless service but I wonder how it will work? How does it affect adult practitioners & SU? #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@ProfSocialWork need seem less referral/assessment processes and integrated IT systems – sadly lacking #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@ProfSocialWork My experience of integrated mental health services has largely been very positive – for both pracs and users #swscmedi
@jaxraffertyJackie Rafferty
I do not want a single point of contact if it is like my gas co. or telephone or bank? Call centre integration? #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@jaxrafferty yes, single point of contact could be problematic. looses humanity? but i fear it may go that way? what u think? #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@jaxrafferty You’re right – this is a downside. Good integration enhances practitioners’ unique skills without dumbing down #swscmedia
Ermintrude2 Ermintrude
@jaxrafferty one of the things we were discussing was about single point of contact and resolved not necessarily positive #swscmedia
_ajwarren aj warren
@SWSCmedia #swscmedia Hmm, hopefully a joined up holistic service that provides smooth services without delay
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
A single point of ref is great, but what does integration imply? a unified service delivery? or a merger of services? or others? #swscmedia
hannah_gotobed Hannah Payne
@SWSCmedia less rivalry and more partnership-working between health and social care teams and equal treatment for service users #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@SWSCmedia comparisons have been made with functional and disfunctional families. Seems apt.
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@_ajwarren @SWSCmedia yes & partnership working would b important 2 insure that. Systems need to be good #swscmedia easy to say diff to do?
_ajwarren aj warren
@GoddenJoe @SWSCmedia #swscmedia and sometimes regional boundaries are not always the same which can cause problems
hiljoyh Hil
@SWSCmedia biggest challenge is budgets, unless pooled can create division & confusion
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@SWSCmedia so often integration seen as a structural thing – introduce certain structures and you will get integration – no! so much more
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@SWSCmedia in my view it is about outcomes – too much emphasis has been put on processess and structure
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@hiljoyh @SWSCmedia agree about SU being at the heart of it #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia There are a variety of models in operation. Unfortunately I’m not aware of the research evidence. Any ideas? #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
structural integration can mean prof boundaries get more defensive rather than less. The dysfunctional point made earlier #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@ProfSocialWork need seem less referral/assessment processes and integrated IT systems – sadly lacking #swscmedia
nqobilentekade NqobileNtekade
@SWSCmedia a unified service delivery because social worker dont have that much of experience in health #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
#swscmedia@ProfSocialWork stricter referral criteria n systems create artificial barriers
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@hiljoyh @SWSCmedia there have been so many examples of pooled budgets failing – they are still 2 budgets albeit pooled and rows about them
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
Integration is a word that always means whatever the beholder wants it to mean whether in social work or in society. #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@hiljoyh yes and all of this will affect the way the model is deliever and affect a seamless approach. #swscmedia
dannavalentine Danniella Valentine
@NickBerbiers I think this is a very valuable point and ultimately what this comes down to #swscmedia.
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
There are many diff definitions & approach to integration what is the best way to ensure that integration adds value to services #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@SWSCmedia too many boundaries and competing orgs, move away from PCTs to GP commissioning will help or hinder? #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@SWSCmedia Good points all and shows how complex this area is. Best integration I found was constuctive relationship with GP surgery etc
@SWSCmedia #swscmedia Hi, it’s Nushra. A mh sw told me that her council is in the process of de-integration with sws going back to la.
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@BASW_UK Hi Nushra. Why do you think this is the case? & How can we prevent these situations? #swscmedia @SWSCmedia
EmpowerDerby Empower LD Derby
What do u all think of this idea of intergration? 1000 social care workers to transfer to NHS via @guardian #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@ProfSocialWork Yes, I think mental health social workers have lost out in integrated services due to not having their … (1/2) #swscmedia
DorleeM Dorlee M
@Ermintrude2 interesting idea of combining sw & nursing degree…don’t think this is option in U.S.; also some later go inprivate#SWSCmedia
addicted2choco Sarah Clarke
#swscmedia Integration is the ideal but too expensive.
444blackcat bc
@ProfSocialWork #swscmedia v different funding streams n Trust want to run Toyota model no recognition of SW values
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
And integration then gets into issues relating to assimilation. I have come to prefer ‘alignment’ over the years. #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@Ermintrude2 I started nursing then moved to SW due to available job opps, just given up nursing reg after 10 yrs too late now #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
is integration on political agenda now great policy or way to achieve efficiencies? Gov other spheres encourage disintegration #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@mgoat73 I thought so. So will this mean that course like yours will have less ppl on it cause LA dont fund it? #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
Good evening all. Not long back from a conference. Didn’t want to miss this debate. Just going to read contributions so far 1st #swscmedia
@SWSCmedia explanation given by sw was idown to adult social care not hitting personalisation targets and personal budgets.#swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@mgoat73 How can we do that and balance that with integrated hierarchies, funding, etc. w/o it being hijacked by politics? #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia By ensuring that distinctive contributions of different professions are maintained and not lost #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
#swscmedia no thought gone into how services r charged for distinguishing whats H or SC getting v messy
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@444blackcat How can it be improved? what approach should be adopted to avoid this?
redzone99 Redzone
@Ermintrude2 @mgoat73 or because the partnership wasn’t working. Shared performance frameworks have to be owned as does money #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@redzone99 @Ermintrude2 @mgoat73 How can we ensure that shared performance frameworks are owned fairely by all stakeholders? #swscmedia
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
Determining added value from integration / alignment would have 2 b determined by much better social care outcome measures. #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
#swscmedia yes the funding stream PbR in health is death knell of integration and not good for service users – based on diagnosis not need
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@mgoat73 @swscmedia agree a seamless service. Yes difficult and challenging but can be done if we are serious about putting people first
nqobilentekade NqobileNtekade
@SWSCmedia integration already exist in SA, because if you are a SWer you already linked to different services including health #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@_ajwarren @ProfSocialWork @SWSCmedia absolutely needs resources i.e. money to move to a single system – not likely I fear #swscmedia
dannavalentine Danniella Valentine
@SWSCmedia Tall order. Seems unworkable however desirable.
@SWSCmedia Prevention wd take sws, service users gps exerting pressure on leaders etc. Shd b case if truly locally led services #swscmedia
redzone99 Redzone
@Ermintrude2 @SWSCmedia @mgoat73 that would do it with a pooled budget. We always come back to money and usually there’s no trust #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@ProfSocialWork #swscmedia I believe we need complete transformation of current service ethos and structures. There are too many ivory towers
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@AILAHT0909 @ProfSocialWork How can that be done? What sort of transformation is needed? & How to do it? #swscmedia
@mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia Allow social work to define its own future rather than be defined by others #swscmedia
@GoddenJoeJoe Godden
@mgoat73 @SWSCmedia sounds “selfish” when you say it, but I agree if we have a stronger professiona and identity it will be benefit to all
@mgoat73 Martin Webber @GoddenJoe Sure, it’s uncomfortable but we need to be stronger self-advocates, particularly in integrated services @SWSCmedia #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
@SWSCmedia PB’s for health needs would be a start but while ones free n one not always going to be a problem
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Lack of clarity in definition, approach, extent, objectives & desired outcomes for integration of services: Is there still hope? #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
#swscmedia integrated in northern ireland for 30 years, but still have budget problems and role problems and value problems there
hiljoyh Hil
@EmpowerDerby my org piloting direct payments for people with cont healthcare funding but moving slowly, lots of red tape #swscmedia
Ermintrude2 Ermintrude
@EmpowerDerby ensuring good outcomes for service users would be the target that would lead to more funding!! #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@ProfSocialWork #swscmedia .. And too much professional self interests and territorialisms
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
e are being narrow in thinking about health/social work Locally planning could include housing, education, probation, etc. #swscmedia
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@SWSCmedia @redzone99 @Ermintrude2 @mgoat73 Well over past 10 yrs in CYP they haven’t been! REALLY problematic issue. #swscmedia
nqobilentekade NqobileNtekade
@NickBerbiers not necessarly because there are, NGO/MPOs such as child welfare, n CMR that render specific services #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@jaxrafferty yes combing, health, education, probation could be so useful. hours spend battling with this orgs. to get info #swscmedia
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@jaxrafferty Co-location is very effective for service development, improvement, and learning – genuine multi-agency services #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
#swscmedia pooled H+SC budget n services driven by targets set by service users could be a start instead of useless ones we have now
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
#swscmedia money talks. Integration should also mean integrated budgets and accountability supported by effective #JSNA and #HWBstrategy
EmpowerDerby Empower LD Derby
@hiljoyh PBs v slow in Derby too.. alot of fear from parents/carers of people with LD. They are paying GPs £100 for checkup! #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@donnamodern Yes, that is the fear.Early evidence doesn’t indicate this, but this could happen over time unless SW can control it #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
Believe integration can be done when some stability and on very local basis. see neighbourhood working c70s @SWSCmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@_ajwarren @ProfSocialWork @SWSCmedia absolutely social work only profession in mdt that sees holistic situation, CBT often not the answer
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@GoddenJoe @_ajwarren @SWSCmedia my fear is that SW can be scapegoated. What abt PCT not always working w/ our values? #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
“@nqobilentekade: @SWSCmedia it can mean having to work together/team work and sharing of ideas #swscmedia” I agree
444blackcat bc
#swscmedia on the frontline we work with NHS staff no problems at all its as u go higher that they start
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@nqobilentekade Ah right, I see. But national state services are federally integrated as government departments, is that correct? #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
w/ funding & finance as basis, how can we ensure integration of services goes beyond cost saving targets & adds service value? #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@SWSCmedia integration means achieving seamless quality care most efficiently and cost effectively. Personalisation model points to how.
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
Have an Inate mistrust of PbR and Outcome measures. But know some like them. what is a result? for whom? #swscmedia
doctoremma Emma Russell
@jaxrafferty the right outcome measures can be useful for staff and clients but should NOT be only indicator of successful intervention
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@jaxrafferty agree – for whom – so very much agree #swscmedia :-)
Ermintrude2 Ermintrude
@jaxrafferty they are hideous Well PbR – I accept some well-chosen outcome measures could work but NOT PbR
@ProfSocialWorkFrom The Gut
@Ermintrude2 @jaxrafferty who are PbR ??? #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
sorry PbR = Payment by Results@ProfSocialWork
Ermintrude2 Ermintrude
@ProfSocialWork Payment by Results – used in physical health and moving into mental health#swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@Ermintrude2 Got it ppl defined (and paid) by diagnosis. #swscmedia Thanks
xx Links still welcome ;-0
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
PbR mental health link @ProfSocialWork #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia @redzone99 @Ermintrude2 I’m not sure they can be! Sharing goals, outcomes and objectives may be possible, though #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
#swscmedia am concerned that politicians jumping on band wangons Cameron and simplistic ideas – will lead to more targets and fiddles
hiljoyh Hil
@Ermintrude2 @jaxrafferty yes defthings get better once people settle, is fear of change working patterns and culture, needs time #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@ProfSocialWork The prob we’ve found is that if LA funds, but integrated service (ie health) doesn’t support it, problems arise #swscmedia
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@AILAHT0909 Agree. Some of us have been trying to for three decades and counting….I was young when I started! #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
@EmpowerDerby #swscmedia in our team we are all CC,s chosen on capacity n skill mix a model that should work in other areas
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@redzone99 leadership is important but usually every1 tries to fight it esp. if from diff perspective like PCT Vs SS? #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
Have an Inate mistrust of PbR and Outcome measures. But know some like them. what is a result? for whom? #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@ProfSocialWork @jaxrafferty people struggle with change associated with integration, therefore focus on small issues #swscmedia
claireOT Claire OT
@GoddenJoe @_ajwarren @profsocialwork @SWSCmedia grr don’t tar us OTs with the medical brush!! We also work client centred and social model!
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@mgoat73 @ProfSocialWork Which integration history is replete with examples of, unfortunately #swscmedia
Ermintrude2 Ermintrude
@ProfSocialWork Payment by Results – used in physical health and moving into mental health #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
#swscmedia service users and carers can be and should be allies in getting good services often token input we can work to rectify that
444blackcat bc
@ProfSocialWork #swscmedia CC=care coordinator also known as person with all the responsibility n none of the power
hiljoyh Hil
@Ermintrude2 @ProfSocialWork interesting to explore how PbR could work in a valued based profession rather than financial targets#swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@jaxrafferty Is that not based on difference of needs?
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
Hospice example of joint working. social Worker £30k, Consultant £120k, Nurse £40k does not make for equal status #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Should integration focus on results or on delivery of services? #swscmedia @SWSCmedia
matthewanselluk Matthew Ansell
@SWSCmedia LAs don’t get good value from Partnerships. The NHS may get more people undertaking NHS responsibilities though… IMHO
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@jaxrafferty The difference in budget allocations that you mentioned. Is it not based on diff in need & in cost base?
444blackcat bc
@donnamodern #swscmedia for us it stopped day guesting at NHS rehab unit cause not a funded service anymore not part of the biz model ffs
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
+1 RT @AILAHT0909: @GoddenJoe @ProfSocialWork #swscmedia reorganisation so far is mere tinkering. need to influence transformational change
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@GoddenJoe @profsocialwork #swscmedia reorganisation so far is mere tinkering. We need to influence transformational change
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
I would like to raise re CP that systemic ‘disintegration’ is almost always primary factor in protection failiures & child deaths #swscmedia
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@SWSCmedia Both #swscmedia We need 2 focus on results but also how things r delivered. If results are not good we need 2 go back & re-think.
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
“@NickBerbiers: Ultimately, theoretically, done properly; better outcomes #swscmedia” Should not be theory – we can make it real
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@AILAHT0909 Agree. Some of us have been trying to for three decades and counting….I was young when I started! #swscmedia
@AILAHT0909Algar Braid
@NickBerbiers #swscmedia we are in the same boat. I’m a boundroid who also started at 17! and 3 decades on we are still tinkering.
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
@AILAHT0909 @NickBerbiers thanks guys *looked around worried about the future* #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@AILAHT0909 @NickBerbiers Excellent point. Is this tinkering not due to the lack of political will to address fundamental issues? #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@SWSCmedia @nickberbiers agree politicians have generally not had the courage and leadership to effectively transform. #Dilnot a good start
@SWSCmedia @ailaht0909@nickberbiers would we agree fundamental issues? Early intervention with children?
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@practicematters @swscmedia @nickberbiersYes I totally agree
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@practicematters @SWSCmedia @ailaht0909 We could try…EI with children and families, certainly #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
#swscmedia obsession all the time with the new and transformation – organisations need to learn and have time to learn and make mistakes
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
Never been enough resource,time, people or £ so left squabbling over inadequate everything. Could be different #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
@SWSCmedia #swscmedia it should be both but SU’s should have say on what they consider a good results is not us nhs staff or Gov
ProfSocialWork From The Gut
Learning is a risk & noone can learn if they r terrified of making a mistake. Support is needed so mistakes r caught quickly #swscmedia
dannavalentine Danniella Valentine
@ProfSocialWork I could applaud at this tweet #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
@GoddenJoe #swscmedia we have been reconfigured 3 times in 7 ys no one can say what model produces the best results
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@hiljoyh How can we do that when policy & subsequently organisations are pulling in budget & cost cut direction? #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
I was talking about different salaries reward structures for diff professions. Does not help team working @SWSCmedia #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
If you could change 3 things in today’s policy approach & 3 things in today’s systems what would those be? #swscmedia@SWSCmedia
@jaxrafferty @SWSCmedia I worked with teachers in mdt who used to finish at 3.30pm and have school hols Nushra
444blackcat bc
@GoddenJoe #swscmedia Trust employs ppl to instigate n drive change nothing left to settle due to need to justify existence
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Last 5 min: If you could change 3 things in today’s policy approach & 3 things in today’s systems what would those be? #swscmedia@SWSCmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@SWSCmedia 1. Dismantling the silos 2. Championing people first model 3.getting national spending priorities right
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
@SWSCmedia - I quickly wrote something for this tweet that Claudia kindly posted – a charter for social work in MDTs – may be useful?
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
Thought you captured what is needed for pship working brilliantly@GoddenJoe #swscmedia
madmutt Simon Godefroy
RT @jaxrafferty: PbR mental health link #swscmedia #sg
hiljoyh Hil
@SWSCmedia yes sadly agree but as individuals we can do our best within the limits we are working in #swscmedia
hannah_gotobed Hannah Payne
@SWSCmedia the ability to apply some common sense! #swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
@SWSCmedia @nickberbiers agree politicians have generally not had the courage and leadership to effectively transform. #Dilnot a good start
EmpowerDerby Empower LD Derby
@SWSCmedia @ProfSocialWork @Ermintrude2 @jaxrafferty@NickBerbiers more help & encouragement for ppl 2 enter & study social care #swscmedia
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia Allow social work to define its own future rather than be defined by others #swscmedia
jaxrafferty Jackie Rafferty
interprofessional work has a literature knowledge base. We know what does not work. QED should be able to work out what does #swscmedia
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
Hypothocate tax system for welfare / health / social care (& some others) & FULLY align services – would require long explanation #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
Thank You All for your valuable contributions & views. We hope U enjoyed the debate & look 4ward to seeing U next week@SWSCmedia #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
The debate is now closed. Have a lovely evening & a great week ahead. & see you all next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@DorleeM Thank You Dorlee… We’re happy you enjoyed it & thank you for joining & sharing… See you next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
DorleeM Dorlee M
Thank you @SWSCmedia and the rest of the twitter chat group for great debate! #swscmedia
GoddenJoe Joe Godden
#swscmedia some great debate thanks everyone I learnt a lot and feel empowered to try and challenge regards Joe Godden
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@GoddenJoe Welcome Joe… We’re happy you enjoyed it & thank you for joining & sharing… See you next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@ProfSocialWork @SimplySW @donnamodern lost the plot a bit now but it’s all been very enjoyable thanks #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@hiljoyh Welcome… We’re happy you enjoyed it & thank you for joining & sharing… See you next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@nqobilentekade Welcome… Happy you enjoyed it & Thank you for joining & sharing… We’ll see you next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@jaxrafferty Thank You Jackie for joining & sharing… Look forward to seeing you next week…
mgoat73 Martin Webber
@SWSCmedia Thank you for a stimulating discussion this evening #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@mgoat73 You’re welcome… We’re happy you enjoyed it & thank you for joining & sharing… See you next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
hiljoyh Hil
@SWSCmedia cheers everybody, work a struggle at mo but these debates keep me hopeful and engaged #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@hiljoyh Thank You for lovely comment. Really glad U enjoyed it & thank U for joining & sharing. See you next week @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
#swscmedia@ genuine user led vision, with proper accountability and shared ownership Nushra
@SWSCmedia I learn an incredible amount from #swscmediadebates, looking fwd to next week!
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@dannavalentine Really glad to hear that… & Thank You for sharing… See you next week same time…@SWSCmedia :-)#swscmedia
AILAHT0909 Algar Braid
#swscmedia thanks everyone. Most heartened by examples given of good integrated care and desire to effect change. Let’s keep working at it
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@AILAHT0909 We agree… Let’s keep working at it… Thank you for sharing & see you next week same time… @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
444blackcat bc
#swscmedia great debate flew over lots of great ideas n anger out there
lillieputian Lillieputian
@SWSCmedia thank you for such a fast paced, interesting and thought provoking debate #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@lillieputian @444blackcat Thank you for joining & sharing We’re happy you enjoyed the debate & See you next week @SWSCmedia #swscmedia
addicted2choco Sarah Clarke
@SWSCmedia really interesting reading and I hope to contribute more next time
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@addicted2choco Thank You… We look forward to your participation & contributions… @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
hannah_gotobed Hannah Payne
Thanks enjoyed reading and learning during tonight’s debate! Agree with @AILAHT0909 about desire for change #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@hannah_gotobed You’re welcome & look forward to seeing you next week same time @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@practicematters @mgoat73 We can & shld use every avenue & professional group possible. See U next week same time@SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia @David_Mc_Donald We’ll be having some added debates soon during weekends… @SWSCmedia :-)
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@DaisyatTCSW Hi Daisy… we had a great debate & hope you had a good phone call & can join us next week… @SWSCmedia :-)
David_Mc_Donald David McDonald
@NickBerbiers @jaxrafferty Interesting and gratifying to hear/see these outside opinions, this has the makings of a future #swscmedia debate
NickBerbiers Nick Berbiers
@David_Mc_Donald We think Glasgow Council meetings should always finish early David, when @SWSCmedia debates are on!@SWSCmedia #swscmedia
David_Mc_Donald David McDonald
I’ll 2nd that @NickBerbiers the @SWSCmedia debates are certainly far more informed and enlightening than the majority of Council debates
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@David_Mc_Donald @NickBerbiers Thank You for the lovely feedback @SWSCmedia… Most kind & very much appreciated… #swscmedia
_ajwarren aj warren
@SWSCmedia thanks for stimulating my brain in the debate. Brilliant!
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
@_ajwarren You’re welcome & happy you enjoyed it… Look forward to seeing you next week same time @SWSCmedia :-) #swscmedia
SWSCmedia SWSCmedia
For those interested in Payment by Results (PbR) here are guidelines & resources from Department of… #swscmedia
You can also find DoH publication Re: “Confirmation of PbR & relevant arrangement for 2011-2012″ here: #swscmedia
Join us next week Tuesday (24 January) at 20:00 GTM / 15:00 EST @SWSCmedia to debate “The Best Interest…” What is the best interest of adults, children, and families? Who defines it? and How?