Category Archives: Early Intervention

Sexual Abuse of People with Learning Disabilities – @SWSCmedia Debate Summary

Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views on “Sexual Abuse of People with Learning Disabilities”. This was part of the @SWSCmedia debate series. Below is the summary of the…

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Ability vs. Disability & Diverseability: Defining Identities – @SWSCmedia Debate Summary

Thank you for joining us and for sharing your views on “Ability vs Disability & Diverseability: Defining Identities” as part of @SWSCmedia debate series. Below is the summary of the discussion and…

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Parental Substance Misuse and Addiction – @SWSCmedia Debate Series

Parental substance misuse has multiple and complex effects on children, depending on a number of variables ranging from the characteristics, personality, coping strategies and support systems of each individual, to…

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Social work and end-of-life care: issues for debate @SWSCmedia – Opinion piece by Malcolm Payne

Join us for a Special Evening  @SWSCmedia on Palliative and End-of-Life care with Malcolm Payne (@MalcolmPayne) on Tuesday (31-July-2012) at 8:00 PM BST (UK) / 3:00 PM EDT @SWSCmedia. Planning for living needs…

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Networks Helping Families Escape Social Services: What are the real issues? – @SWSCmedia debate

Channel 4 report on networks that help families escape social services projects a picture of child protection services with persistent failures and consistent misjudgements. The programme includes interviews with various…

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Avoiding Avoidance: Recognising and responding to the risks of resistant and uncooperative parents in child protection – #SWSCmedia Debate

Introduction Parental resistance and avoidance can negatively affect the safety and well-being of children in protection work, posing significant risks   to workers and children as a result of certain forms…

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#CaseStudy: They left me behind for her… – @SWSCmedia Case Study Series #SWSCmedia

Next week is Emma’s 13th birthday and she is not excited about it. Four years ago Emma’s mother (Laura [see details about Laura’s background]) was additionally diagnosed with schizophrenia and…

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A Child to Love Me? – #SWSCmedia Twitter Debate – Case Study Series – #CaseStudy

Laura is 32 and has been diagnosed with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and suffers from anxiety and depression. She finds it difficult to manage her emotions and her anger. She…

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Debate Summary: SocialWork and Socialcare & the Human Rights of Older People: 28 February 2012 – a #SWSCmedia Debate @SWSCmedia

Thank you for joining us in another excellent and rich debate @SWSCmedia. Join us next week same day same time to discuss Social Workers and Politics and Political Opnions. Can…

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Social Care, Social Work and the Rights of the Older People – Opinion piece by: Joe Godden

For the past several years many of the conversations I have had with colleagues and members of the public have been about the state of health and social care services…

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