#SocialWork and #Socialcare and the Human Rights of the Older People: #SWSCmedia Debate on 28-Feb-2012

Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights states that no one should be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading manner. This is an “Absolute Right” for all individuals which means it applies in all circumstances and as an “Absolute Right” it should not be breached, restricted, curtailed or limited in any way. In other words, under no circumstances should anyone be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading manner.

Article 3 is not about torture only. It is also about degrading and inhuman treatment and therefore, can be applied to the older people. Indeed, inhuman treatment can include treatment that causes severe mental or physical harm while any treatment that is humiliating or undignified may be considered as degrading treatment.

In practice however, only the most serious kinds of ill treatment are covered by this law and whether a given treatment is “Serious enough” to be considered under this law as inhuman or degrading depends on the particular circumstances of each case and various factors such as age, gender, health, context, and so on.

Therefore, in today’s debate we shall focus on Social Work and Social Care praxis in relation to the Rights of the Older People.  We shall explore questions such as:

  • What are some of the rights of the older people?
  • How does current social care policy influence older people?
  • How can social work preserve and protect the rights of the older people.
  • What are the consequences and impact of social work intervention on individuals human rights?
  • How does social work affect the rights of older people?
  • Are the current social care and healthcare systems capable of preserving the dignity  and human rights of the older people?

Join us on Tuesday, 28 February 2012, at 8:00 PM GMT / 3:00 PM ET / 12:00 PT and share your views @SWSCmedia. As always use the hashtag #SWSCmedia to join the debate.

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