Category Archives: Live Debates

Debate on: The Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development – and World Social Work Day 20-March-2012 – #SWSCmedia Debate @SWSCmedia

Next week there a are a number of events and important events and activities (both online and face-to-face) to celebrate Social Work Week #SWweek, beginning with World Social Work Day #WSWDay (Tuesday,…

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Debate Summary: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct: Separating the Personal from Professional – 13 March 2012 – a #SWSCmedia Debate @SWSCmedia

Thank you for joining us in another rich and lively debate @SWSCmedia. The topic for discussion was Codes of ethics and professional conduct separating the personal and professional and we had a…

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Property has boundaries, social work has a perimeter fence – Opinion Piece by Allan Norman

Why do we need boundaries? In property law, boundaries divide up property. They don’t need to be clearly marked out – it is possible to have an invisible boundary going…

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Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct: Separating the Personal from Professional – #SWSCmedia debate on 13 March 2012

The idea of separating personal from professional and that professional associations have the right to regulate and discipline their members and constrain their behaviour extends back at least into the Middle Ages when…

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Debate Summary: Social Workers, Politics, and Political Opinions : 06 March 2012 – a #SWSCmedia Debate @SWSCmedia

Thank you for joining us in another excellent and rich debate @SWSCmedia. Join us next week same day same time when we discuss: Codes of ethics and professional conduct separating…

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The ‘Politics’ of Social Work – By Nushra Mansuri @BASW_UK

First of all, I just want to say, what a great choice of subject which evokes endless debate having relevance to both previous decades and generations of social workers which…

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Social work without politics – and for my next trick, farming without land – Opinion Piece by Allan Norman

Social work without politics? Is this a joke? Does anyone think you can do social work without political opinions? Here are three reasons why I can’t: my opinions are political;…

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The problem with political rhetoric in social work – An opinion piece by Prof. Jonathan J. Scourfield

I can’t join this week’s #SWSCmedia debate on social work and politics, but would like to make a contribution, so have written this rather polemical piece. Let’s hope it helps…

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Social Workers, Politics, and Political Opinions – A #SWSCmedia debate @SWSCmedia (06 March 2012)

The question of the extent to which social workers can participate in politics and political discussion and/or express political opinions is a challenging and difficult one. In fact, one of…

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Debate Summary: SocialWork and Socialcare & the Human Rights of Older People: 28 February 2012 – a #SWSCmedia Debate @SWSCmedia

Thank you for joining us in another excellent and rich debate @SWSCmedia. Join us next week same day same time to discuss Social Workers and Politics and Political Opnions. Can…

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