Social Workers, Politics, and Political Opinions – A #SWSCmedia debate @SWSCmedia (06 March 2012)

The question of the extent to which social workers can participate in politics and political discussion and/or express political opinions is a challenging and difficult one. In fact, one of…

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#SWSCmedia Summary of Student Debate: “What do Students want from their Placement, Practice Educators, and Clinical Supervisors?” @SWSCmedia on 04-Mar-2012

Thank you for participating in our “Student Debate” and sharing your views on what students want from their placements, practice educators, and clinical supervisors? This debate was Co-Chaired by three…

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Dear colleagues: there is no more money! Time to redesign dementia services. – Opinion piece by: Dr. Karim Saad

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” say many working in the NHS. Alas, the bankrupting economic impact of dementia on healthcare systems obliges us to focus on novel interventions….

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Debate Summary: SocialWork and Socialcare & the Human Rights of Older People: 28 February 2012 – a #SWSCmedia Debate @SWSCmedia

Thank you for joining us in another excellent and rich debate @SWSCmedia. Join us next week same day same time to discuss Social Workers and Politics and Political Opnions. Can…

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Social Care, Social Work and the Rights of the Older People – Opinion piece by: Joe Godden

For the past several years many of the conversations I have had with colleagues and members of the public have been about the state of health and social care services…

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#SocialWork and #Socialcare and the Human Rights of the Older People: #SWSCmedia Debate on 28-Feb-2012

Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights states that no one should be tortured or treated in an inhuman or degrading manner. This is an “Absolute Right” for…

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#SWSCmedia Summary of Student Debate: “What do Students want from their Universities and Lecturers?” @SWSCmedia on 26-Feb-2012

Thank you for participating in our “Student Debate” and sharing your views on what students want from their universities and lecturers. This debate was Co-Chaired by three of our Tweeteraties…

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Student power…? A personal response to the debate on student leadership – By Sasha Williams

I really enjoyed the debate last night and feel that I learned a great deal from it.  However, I was very aware that some students felt dissatisfied with the way…

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#SWSCmedia Summary of Student Debate: “Are Students Ready for Social Work Leadership?” @SWSCmedia on 19-Feb-2012

Thank you for participating in our “Student Debate” and sharing your views on whether students are ready for social work leadership. This was our Inaugural “Student Debate” and was Co-Chaired…

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#SWSCmedia Summary of “Social Work in Media” debate @SWSCmedia on 21-Feb-2012

Thank you everyone for joining us in our debate yesterday. Our grateful appreciation and gratitude to Annie Hudson (Director of Children and Young People’s Services), Peter Holt (Communications Director at…

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